
Chiesa di Santa Giuliana

Il monastero femminile circense di Santa Giuliana, fondato nel 1253, era uno dei più ricchi complessi religiosi di Perugia. La chiesa del monastero presenta una facciata del ‘300 rivestita in pietra bianca e rosa, con un portale gotico sormontato da un rosone. All’interno della chiesa, a navata unica con capriate lignee, sono ancora visibili alcuni frammenti della decorazione originale. Sull’arco trionfale si possono ancora ammirare tracce di affreschi risalenti alla fine del XIII secolo e all’inizio del XIV secolo. L’ex monastero, attualmente utilizzato come Scuola di Lingue Estere dell’Esercito italiano, ospita uno splendido chiostro attribuito a Matteo Gattapone, che rappresenta uno dei migliori esempi di architettura circense in Italia. Il chiostro è caratterizzato da ampie arcate bianche sostenute da pilastri ottagonali a strisce rosa e bianche, e comprende anche alcuni capitelli romanici figurati provenienti dal chiostro originale.

Church of Santa Giuliana

The female circus monastery of Santa Giuliana, founded in 1253, was one of the richest religious complexes in Perugia. The monastery church has a 14th-century facade covered in white and pink stone, with a Gothic portal surmounted by a rose window. The church has a single nave and wooden trusses and inside it there are still some fragments of its original decoration. On the triumphal arch there are still traces of frescoes dating back to the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century. The former monastery, currently used as Foreign Languages School of the Italian Army, houses a splendid cloister attributed to Matteo Gattapone. It represents one of the best examples of circus architecture in Italy. The cloister is featured by wide white arches supported by pink and white striped octagonal pillars, and it also includes some figured Romanesque capitals from the original cloister.

Corso Garibaldi

Conceived by Mario Spagnoli and inaugurated in 1963, it is the first example of an amusement park in Italy. It was designed for families and it offers attractions and entertainment inspired by the love for nature and for animals. It covers an area of ​​over 40 hectares. Visiting it is a unique opportunity to spend a day immersed in nature and in the world of fairy tales. The Città della Domenica is located on a green hill, Monte Pulito, from which you can admire a magnificent view of the city of Perugia lying on the two hills.

Fonti testi / Text sources
Archivio Associazione Priori

Traduzione testi / Text Translation
Alexandra Amariei