Palace of Oddi Marini Clarelli. Today Casa Museo is located in the heart of the city at number 84 of Via dei Priori, on the side of the square called until the end of the nineteenth century precisely Piazza degli Oddi. The building is located in the Rione di Porta Santa Susanna, in the area where the family’s homes already stood in medieval times, in one of the five royal streets that at the time radiated from Piazza Grande. The palace was built in the mid-fifteenth century when Guido degli Oddi in 1444 bought a further domus with tower and a vegetable garden that allowed its construction. Of this first phase, only the ground floor hall remains, with a beamed ceiling, elegantly painted at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The large sixteenth-century hall, the ancient structures of the previous late-Renaissance building, and the remains of the medieval houses were then unified in the late eighteenth century with the expansion of the palace and the construction of the main facade, completed in 1768.