Church of ‘Sant’Andrea’ (Saint Andrew). Constructed before the twelfth century, has been repeatedly remodeled, especially at the end of the eighteenth century The exterior is still similar to the original neo-Gothic: the portal and the terracotta rose window have been shaped in the furnace Biscarini; the mosaic in the lunette above the entrance is the work of the priest painter Nello Palloni . For centuries, it has been associated with the cult of the Blessed Henry, the name assumed according to tradition by Olao, son of Aquinas IV king of Norway , and of Margaret princess of Denmark when he became a Franciscan. In this capacity, he also went to Rome to pray at the tomb of the holy apostles Peterand Paul. Along the way, wanting to stop at the tomb of St Francis in Assisi, once near Perugia he became ill and, realizing that he was dying, revealed his royal identity. He died on March 13, 1415, and, according to legend, the bells of the neighbor Church of Sant’Andrea immediately started playing alone. The Blessed was then buried in the aforementioned church. He was revered for a long time as a secondary patron of the city of Perugia. His bones are now preserved in the church under the high altar, while some relics are kept in a small side chapel.