Church of “Sant’Anna dei Servitori”. The church, probably belonged to the ancient family Francolini, hence the name of the street, later passes to the Camaldolese Abbey of San Salvatore di Valdicastro (near Fabriano, in Marche). It is mentioned for the first time in a decree of the emperor Frederick I in 1066. Later it was registered in 1285 as a parish church and among the properties of the nearby St Luke in 1482. The medieval church, dedicated to Virgin Mary, remain only the external side and the small rose window that adorns the facade. The church loses its status in 1771, when the parish was merged with that of St. Valentine. In 1779 it was transferred to the Company of the Servants of St. Anne that rebuilt, decorated, and made it its headquarter. Since then it has been known as Church or Oratory of Sant’Anna dei Servitori. The Company of the Servants of St. Anne instructs the painter Antonio Maria Garbi to paint a picture to be placed above the altar representing their patroness Saint Anne, together with Saint Joachim her husband, and the Virgin, their daughter. Other paintings of good workmanship, but of uncertain author, adorn the side walls. Among these is anAssumption of Our Lady in Heaven and one Crucifixion. It is currently home to the Confraternity of St. Jacopo of Compostela. The Confraternity reconstituted in 1981 at Perugia, recovering the one active in the fourteenth century that also gathered the Compostela pilgrims of the city, carries out in Italy and on all pilgrimage routes an intense activity of promotion of pilgrimage, of welcoming pilgrims and formation of its members. A considerable number of banners characterize the apse area and testify and remember the pilgrimages made by the Confraternity at Rome, Santiago, Jerusalem , and the main Italian sanctuaries.

The church is open to visitors on the occasion of the feast of Saint Anne (26 July) and the main liturgical celebrations of the Confraternity of St. Jacopo.