Priori Association. It is a non-profit social promotion association, based on volunteering. The operators of Via dei Priori in Perugia, from 2009 to date, have organized themselves to create and promote cultural events, with the aim of contributing positively to the economic redevelopment of the historic area of the city. From these assumptions the Priori Association was born in 2013, with the intention of working to put back into play the civil, artistic, and social heritage of the street, favoring artistic, original, and innovative initiatives. Since its foundation, the association is characterized by the great commitment made by its members for the redevelopment of the territory, to return to make it safe, decent, and usable to all citizens.
In 2016 the association was called to act as a reference in the territory of the Rione di Porta Santa Susanna to contribute to the realization of the first edition of Perugia 1416, distinguishing itself for the generosity and commitment of its members for the success of the event.

Alongside this commitment to the territory, the Priori Association has consolidated a calendar of cultural events, some proposed in several editions, aimed at the aggregation of people, the reappropriation of places, the promotion of art and craftsmanship, and the rediscovery of shared values. The program is renewed from year to year enriched with new content, and new sensitivity, thanks also to the great willingness to welcome new proposals and to collaborate with other realities and associations. The association thus proposes itself as a privileged place not only for consumption but also for social and cultural life. Since the beginning, projects have been developed, in addition to events, in order to create opportunities for meetings, and parties, designed and realized to affirm the positioning of Via dei Priori as a way of art and to enhance all possible public and private spaces, residence, craft, commercial, artistic and cultural activities. In 2017 the Municipality of Perugia, with a concession contract, entrusts the Tower of Sciri to the association. The Tower, the only one of the many medieval towers of Perugia that remained intact and still visible, is thus made usable by citizens and tourists with openings on fixed days throughout the year and with events aimed at satisfying the different interests of visitors, thanks to the generous commitment of the members. The association has chosen to make the Tower a special place to open a dialogue between historical city and contemporary art, promoting the access of the Tower as a place of culture and creativity, enhancing history through new expressive languages. Site-specific contemporary art projects with the aim of encouraging the reinterpretation of the turreted heritage through the unconventional view of artists. In 2018 the association. Priori wins the call of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia with the project “Intervention of restoration and enhancement of the wall paintings and the altars of the Chapels of the Conservatory annexed to the Tower of the Sciri” thanks to which another precious place of the heritage of the city is brought to light. Also in 2018, the Umbria Region with EXECUTIVE DETERMINATION No. 10223 OF 09/10/2018 provides for the registration of the Priori association with a registered office in Via dei Priori n. 62 (PG) in section B), sheet 359, order number 359 of the regional register of social promotion associations.
In 2017, the most important result so far is realized for the association, namely the entrustment of The Tower of Sciri, which is being carried out with the commitment of all the members, thanks to which the tower is made usable by citizens and tourists with fixed-day openings throughout the year and with events aimed at satisfying the different interests of visitors.

Chairman Maria Antonietta Taticchi
Treasurer Paola Ciri
Secretary Cristina Mascetti
Advisors Niccolò Bruno, Roberto Fioroni, Armando Flores, Mario Gambelunghe, Giovanni Gigliarelli, Stella Lupo, Carmen Valigi, Rosanna Zuppardi
Number of members 98