Articity Association. In 2009 in the historic center of the city of Perugia, the cultural association ‘artisan workshops of the historic center’ was established thanks to the sensitivity of the president Maria Antonietta Taticchi and the members who, with their artisan artistic activities of tradition and innovation, promote craftsmanship, understood in its most extensive and evolved form. The association, with its programmatic intentions, gives impetus to artisan activities, located within the historic center as an ideal container for the historical-artistic importance that belongs to it, with the awareness of wanting to disseminate, protect and communicate the culture, the cultured craftsmanship of the craftsman and his product. In addition, the association, in line with the Manifesto of Artistic Craftsmanship of 2001 and the International Charter of Artistic Craftsmanship of 2010, wants to be supported and recognized by Universities, Professional Schools, Trade Associations, Institutions, to become an integral part of actions, projects, which lead to the study of the new artistic craft reality inserted in the contemporary context, to the training of new generations so that they can approach manual activities and knowledge of know-how, know-how to design, know-how to invent and to the organization of conferences, seminars, exhibitions, events for a better and correct communication regarding this sector so important for the growth of the city. Artisan enterprises are the result of a centuries-old artistic and productive tradition, rooted in the territories to which they belong and difficult to replicate elsewhere. At the same time they are bearers of universal values as productions attentive to design, project, history (International Charter of Artistic Craftsmanship).
Via dei Priori, 70
06123 Perugia
+39 075 5730252

Musicittà cultural association. Born in the district of Via dei Priori thanks to the constant support of the Priori Association, it was established in order to take care of, expand and make more and more shared the artistic activity of the choral training of the Choristers a Priori. The choir founded in 2015 is made up of a large number of young people, and for some time now it has also directed part of its energies to the children’s sector (6-12 years), organizing summer camps dedicated to music and regular choir courses of white voices. In addition to the polyphonic choir, the choristers also constitute a female vocal ensemble, a male ensemble, and a particularly qualified mixed ensemble. The aim of the association is to multiply the participatory contexts related to chorality towards all age groups, keeping musical-cultural promotion and social integration at the centre of its interests.
Choristers a Priori. The repertoire of the choral formation ranges from contemporary music to the tradition of African-American spirituals, from pop music to swing through Renaissance music. Since its foundation, the choir has regularly performed in concert participating in festivals and festivals throughout the Umbrian territory and also outside the region (Perugia, Assisi, Magione, Mongiovino, Chiusi, Terni, Bomarzo, Tolentino, etc.). Currently the staff of the group consists of more than 35 members, all aged around 30 years. Altogether the Musicittà Association has about 50 members among the youth choir and choir of white voices. Founder of the group is the director of the same, Maestro Carmen Cicconofri.
Via Fratti 2
06123 Perugia
FB Auditorium Santa Cecilia
FB Coristi A Priori

StarLight Association. With StarLight from the small “Planetarium… within everyone’s reach” to the great “Universe around us” to discover the incomprehensible. This is what the StarLight group aims to pursue, presenting educational and dissemination initiatives to the school world and the public, developed and validated during the many years of activity in the field of astronomy as teachers, planetarians and/or laboratory technicians. Educational and laboratory courses are held at the school facilities; while events for the public and observations of the sky are organized in appropriately chosen places. Scientific tours are also organized. Initiatives aimed at the public are: One step from the sky from the Tower of Sciri; A Library among the stars at the Library San Matteo degli Armeni; Villages under the stars; national and international events in partnership with PLANIt (Italian Association of Planetariums) – IPS (International Planetarium Society) – ANISN (Association of Teachers of Natural Sciences sect. Umbria: Founding members of the association: Luca di Bitonto, Abdelhalim El Hilali, Simonetta Ercoli.
Via Camarino 2
06123 Perugia
+39 389 4864428
Via dei Priori 77
Via dei Priori 70
Associazione Culturale Leone XIII
Chiesa dei Santi Stefano e Valentino
Associazione Culturale Luigi Bonazzi
Piazza del Drago 1
Via degli Sciri
Associazione Polisportiva e Culturale Porta Santa Susanna
Via Tornetta 7
Via Fratti 2
Via dei Priori 84
Galleria Area Privata
Via Vermiglioli 2
Via della Sposa 15
Oratorio San Filippo Neri
Via della Stella 20
Sodalizio Braccio Forte Bracci
Oratorio di San Francesco
Teatro della Sapienza
Via della Cupa 52
Via della Sposa 1/e
Teatro Sant’Andrea
Via Tornetta 5