‘Trasimena’ Gate. One of the five royal gates of the city, it preserves the shutters of the Etruscan era, while the ogival arch is a fourteenth-century reconstruction, as well as the deteriorated sculptures that adorn the exterior. So-called because from here you left in the direction of Lake Trasimeno. Also called Porta Senese (always in reference to its direction), Porta Luzia, Porta San Luca (from the adjacent church of the same name), Porta Santa Susanna (from the nearby Church of Santa Susanna, which stood on the site of that of San Francesco, ceded to the minor friars in 1227), Porta della Luna. Above the arch, on the external facade, is carved a cross, and just below, a crescent, a symbol variously interpreted. It was believed that it did not represent the moon, but the roach, a fish of Trasimeno, which through this door was brought into the city.